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  1. Gandalf the Green

    Wolf Statue from early versions

    The shop host charges me a certain percentage, so that's why the price is wierd. I can change it if it's an issue?
  2. Gandalf the Green


    Can you please make a London phone box next, with the glass window parts?
  3. Gandalf the Green

    Usable Vault (Fallout inspired)

    Do you know if anyone has modeled a Pip-Boy arm band yet?
  4. Gandalf the Green

    Interactive Forklift

    ColonBlow's Trains Mod might make that possible
  5. Gandalf the Green

    Steam Train Locomotive

    I could make it interactive if u want?
  6. Gandalf the Green

    Useful free prefabs

    These might come in handy: I've also got a shop for more-complex stuff:
  7. Gandalf the Green


    That link isn't for the airship :eek:, I've refunded you. Here's a link to my shop where the airship can be found, please read things before u buy them :)
  8. Gandalf the Green

    Interactive Forklift

    Just for fun! Players can sit in the seat and honk the horn, this also flashes the lights It also carries a lootbox containing construction materials
  9. Gandalf the Green

    Fuel Truck Puzzle This prefab is a great addition to any industrial monument, and can be used as a puzzle to open a door etc. Functionality: The player adds fuel to the engine and starts it through the side vent, The headlamps illuminate once it's running, The player can now...
  10. Gandalf the Green

    Wolf Statue from early versions

    Just opened a shop for this:
  11. Gandalf the Green


    Well I'm sorry it doesn'look right, I would suggest scaling-up the prefab in the editor so the bike is the same scale as the default size of the headlamps and switches, then submerge the generator underground. If you remove all the IO pieces, it should look fine and still be mountable. Let's...
  12. Gandalf the Green


  13. Gandalf the Green


  14. Gandalf the Green

    Digger with Lights and Colliders on Tubes

    What do you mean by "tubes" in the title?
  15. Gandalf the Green


    Should be public now
  16. Gandalf the Green


    The cutlery took me ages. All the plates contain a foodbox and are thus lootable, all the seating can be used. I'll make the hull accessible if I can figure-out how; functionality could also be added to the steering wheel, which is a wheelswitch. If players want more of a challenge, I could make...
  17. Gandalf the Green


    Looks like IO scaling doesn't work in-game, unless this screenshot's from the editor?
  18. Gandalf the Green

    Wolf Statue from early versions

    I missed this old monument, so I remade it. I suppose to make it useful one could set up barrel spawns around/in it, using the oldest barrel model available (to maintain authentic nostalgia). Perhaps a no-violence zone, too.
  19. Gandalf the Green

    You Can Add Aesthetic Moving Parts to Your Prefabs

    Just thought this is a cool idea to add interest to appropriate prefabs and it was worth sharing :) If any of you invent any other uses, I'd be interested in any screenshots replying to this :P
  20. Gandalf the Green

    Abandoned Trawler Boat - loot and puzzles

    So I made this fishing vessel to explore; it's got a shop and fish-related loot. Its engines make a noise and light up the portholes and floodlights to balance the loot, also fuel must be brought to access the loot. Providing you have a fuse, once the engine(s) are running, you can also transmit...