AREA 50 Monument


New member
This prefab is broken. For some reason the generators arent powering anything. The keypads wont light up even the one at the very front door


I will try to update this week, was some issues with IO connections after last rust update. Haven't been in to repair stuff since new rust edit update came out.


New member
I will try to update this week, was some issues with IO connections after last rust update. Haven't been in to repair stuff since new rust edit update came out.
so was the reason why the IO connections didnt work because of a linux server ? or just because the new rust update broke them in general ?
because i host my server on a linux machine


so was the reason why the IO connections didnt work because of a linux server ? or just because the new rust update broke them in general ?
because i host my server on a linux machine
It could be a linux issue causing some of the IO connections not to work. The sliding blast doors were not working last time i updated the prefab on any operating software. The keycards were working on Microsoft. I know before calytic was re-introduced as project lead for oxide the Linux build changed to a developmental build. However, now it's returned to a separate stable build. Could be the cause of the Linux issue. If you ent kill the blast doors everything else should function. There is a switch above the fuse box to activate the first security door after a fuse is placed.


New member
Updated version available here --->

Change Notes:
  • Made monument easier to place (saved heightmap and built up entrance)
  • Made tunnel entrance shorter
  • Changed lighting
  • Fixed electrical issues from FP update
  • Fixed sliding blast door issues

Im actually glad the tunnel is shorter! Nice update man! If you want to dev test my rust server with me you can! Ill make you admin and maybe you could help build and update the map with me!


New member
Same version, is your dll file up do date? Works fine for me in my test server.
It should be. I mean im hosting my server off of Ill make a test server and see if it works on there and if it does then i need to message the support team and tell them they need to update their stuff


New member
Same version, is your dll file up do date? Works fine for me in my test server.
I tested it on my test server and it still not getting power. Also for some reason you have to have god mode on in order to step foot past the second door otherwise you just drop dead. Do you know why that is ?