awesome prefabs


aren't you ashamed of yourself? You spread on the sale of prefabs with a General access or those which you stole.


Active member
aren't you ashamed of yourself? You spread on the sale of prefabs with a General access or those which you stole.
First, who the fuck do you think you are making stupid accusations.
Second, those are ones I made but I bought and I told the creator Dorran I would give them a great review because they are awesome.
So in short ask questions before you make yourself look foolish with stupid accusations.
I support the Rust community very generously financially by buying tons of prefabs, skins, plugins and buying tons of kits from servers for me and my mates. I do not exploit those resources.


Active member
First, who the fuck do you think you are making stupid accusations.
Second, those are ones I made but I bought and I told the creator Dorran I would give them a great review because they are awesome.
So in short ask questions before you make yourself look foolish with stupid accusations.
I support the Rust community very generously financially by buying tons of prefabs, skins, plugins and buying tons of kits from servers for me and my mates. I do not exploit those resources.
*Second those aren’t the ones I made*


Active member
Unfortunately I’ve only been using Rust edit for 3 weeks (already own just about everything and still looking to buy more) so me being new to the Rust edit means I don’t know who is who and who created what so I see something on sale I buy it. I see more prefabs I buy them, I see more somewhere else I buy those too and so on and so on... I’m like that with plugins and skins too ❤️ So if I buy off someone who stole your stuff I’ll more then likely buy them off you too


I think its wonderful that you have wanted to share all the works you have found, but yes, sadly some people lack the integrity and skill to come up with their own and instead pass off others works as their own, even myself I have fallen victim to this and have actually pulled my website down untill I can track who.
Some of us spend days/weeks and in some cases MONTHS putting together works for people to enjoy and sadly there is a few who wish to exploit that.
In saying that though, there must be a way, as a community to locate or atleast sniff out the original artists and boycott those exploiting others works, as those who are exploiting it should NOT be gaining any reward for doing so, infact it only encourages it if people purchase works from these faux creators.
On a side note Mattie this should also answer a separate post where you were asking for a link to my work.
You are however welcome to PM me or chat on discord or even facebook with me and we can sort out a more private solution to get my prefabs untill I can resolve the thief issue.