Legacy new factory (wip)


New member
Started some custom works on legacy prefabs

Progress so far

+ made shacks and bases simulair to legacy buildingblocks they can be inhabited and locked even can place some deployables inside
+ Remoddeling the Factory (the new one they never added)
+ Made some Barricades which are climable aswell
+ Started remaking the civilian buildings
+ Started making the Rad Towns
+ Making a legacy version of the current Airfield

The original unadded Factory 2 location they never added,this was the image i had to work with.

last update.png

-Added the back entrance on main building ,2nd version (8-6-2020)
-Redesigned the tanks and placed them on the Factory 2 compound (8-6-2020)

dpd 004.jpg
dpd 005.jpg
dpd 006.jpg

Added the back entrance
dpd 009.jpg
New tanks
dpd 008.jpg
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