What I've been able to do with the latest update :D This is for a PVP Arena


New member
This is what I've managed to do with the latest release. Bare in mind I haven't taken new photo's since adjusting the mountains textures.

I did the river textures with paint, since the inbuilt splat apply on the river spreads the river texture a little to far on the sides. Which you can see in this with river splat being a little high on the mountain.

Took me around 8 to 10 hours to do this! Just a tip, Taking rivers down hill at weird angles isn't that easy. This was as good as I could get it, looks far batter in game than it does in pictures.

The lake you see, is easy to make. I just lowered the land to make the most out of the ocean water to create the lake. Placing the compound walls isn't the funnest part in the world, take a long time and get tedious quickly.
