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  1. Hakkai

    (FREE) Sage Island Custom Map | 3000 w/ 3300 ocean

    Hello RobJ are your maps still up to date with stables and fishing villages? I started a Map-Voting on my server and they want to play "Sage Island" next. But i worry that the maps might not be maintained. Thanks for any response.
  2. Hakkai

    HiddenResearch Monument

    did you not apply the height map?
  3. Hakkai

    OilTown Monument

    Thanks, im working on a map that has this prefab too. Im intrested on how other servers implement this prefab. So if you dont mind, let me know what ur server is called.
  4. Hakkai

    PrisonBroke Monument

    if you want to have a go at experiencing the starter-area and see the prison first, check out my Server called "The Abandoned" (PVE)
  5. Hakkai

    OilTown Monument

    This free to use Monument is an outside-Town that looks quite nice in the dark. Scientist roam the area protecting the left overs. I had a hard time to not let the ai run off, thats why thers a wall all around and the rather weird placement of npc-spawns. If you want to delete them, go for it...
  6. Hakkai

    PrisonBroke Monument

    Here another free to use Monument. Its a broken Prison, thats why "PrisonBroke" and also i dont want to get sued. I had it as a starter area, but people got frustrated so i placed some spawns on the outside too. Or you could just remove the bot-spawns. As it is, there is constant ai-battle...
  7. Hakkai

    HiddenResearch Monument

    And also after placing the Monument the alpha almost always needs to be reaplied, because it never loads (at least for me)
  8. Hakkai

    HiddenResearch Monument

    My First Upload to the Prefabs-Section. The Setting is a Underground Research-Facility in a Mountain, protected by Scientists and good Loot in Red Room. To do it, you need Green, Blue and Red-Card + 2 Fuses.
  9. Hakkai

    Please Delete This, it is the wrong category

    to be deleted.
  10. Hakkai

    Rocket League inspired map

    well, the idea is intresting. i give you that. but i think the map-editor does not give us enough options to go further in that direction. And the map-editor is all we have after all.