Эйфелевая Башня [ Eiffel Tower ]


Очень круто украсит вашу карту необычный Обьект.
Создан по реальным размерам 1к1.
Находясь рядом или вдалеке, никаких просадок по фпс не наблюдается. Обьект видет через всю карту, освещение чуть поближе.
На коптере залететь на самую верхушку не выйдет, он долетает только до второго этажа.
Если есть какие-то пожелания, пишите, сделаю и продам.
Discord: Endry#4744
An unusual awesome Object will decorate your map.
Created in real 1 to 1 scale.
Being near or far, no FPS dropdowns are observed.
The object sees through the entire map, the lighting is a little closer. Players with copter will not be able to fly to the top, it only reaches the second floor. If you have any wishes, write, and will make it and sell.

Translate using google, sorry

Buy: https://skyplugins.ru/resources/63/
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Wow! Awesome indeed!! (y)
Do you think it would be possible to make an "apocalypse" version to be integrated in Keriox's "Apocaliypse Earth" map? Something like that:


  • 18m4e5llf358pjpg.jpg
    14.2 KB · Views: 39


Hey, I appreciate the enthusiasm but it is an idea that will eventually take place in 2020! :)

Before Jan 2020 I have other plans that need to be done (IRL plan, that is) that have higher priority.

If you say you can do it than it's fine but not before the 3rd or 4th week of January 2020! And before that, I would like to know the cost of it!

So, we will discuss about it after the 20th of January 2020, ok? ;) For now, it is a good news to know you can work on that.


Hey, I appreciate the enthusiasm but it is an idea that will eventually take place in 2020! :)

Before Jan 2020 I have other plans that need to be done (IRL plan, that is) that have higher priority.

If you say you can do it than it's fine but not before the 3rd or 4th week of January 2020! And before that, I would like to know the cost of it!

So, we will discuss about it after the 20th of January 2020, ok? ;) For now, it is a good news to know you can work on that.
DS: Endry#4744


ok, I'll do it. In a week it will be ready

Hello there! :) So, can you PM me the cost of the customization of your "apocalypse Eiffel Tower"? I am not in a hurry so take your time to build it. Also, I would like to see some pictures of it before buying it. Your "regular" Eiffel Tower is amazing, I have to say it. But I am sure you will understand I prefer to see some pictures. ;)

Привет! :) Итак, можете ли вы сообщить мне стоимость настройки вашего "апокалипсиса Эйфелева башня"? Я не спешу, так что не торопитесь, чтобы построить это. Кроме того, я хотел бы видеть некоторые картины этого прежде, чем купить это. Твоя "обычная" Эйфелева башня потрясающая, я должен это сказать. Но я уверен, что вы поймете, что я предпочитаю видеть некоторые фотографии. ;)

(I used Google Translator, I don't speak russian at all!!:LOL:)


Hello there! :) So, can you PM me the cost of the customization of your "apocalypse Eiffel Tower"? I am not in a hurry so take your time to build it. Also, I would like to see some pictures of it before buying it. Your "regular" Eiffel Tower is amazing, I have to say it. But I am sure you will understand I prefer to see some pictures. ;)

Привет! :) Итак, можете ли вы сообщить мне стоимость настройки вашего "апокалипсиса Эйфелева башня"? Я не спешу, так что не торопитесь, чтобы построить это. Кроме того, я хотел бы видеть некоторые картины этого прежде, чем купить это. Твоя "обычная" Эйфелева башня потрясающая, я должен это сказать. Но я уверен, что вы поймете, что я предпочитаю видеть некоторые фотографии. ;)

(I used Google Translator, I don't speak russian at all!!:LOL:)
Hey. My discord Endry # 4744, add as a friend and we will conduct correspondence there. The price will be $ 17-20. I will do everything perfectly.

Before the sale, I will show you everything. And you can say your comments and I will fix it


Hey. My discord Endry # 4744, add as a friend and we will conduct correspondence there. The price will be $ 17-20. I will do everything perfectly.

Before the sale, I will show you everything. And you can say your comments and I will fix it

I sent you a friend request on discord from name TheGreatAssyr


Is it possible to see it in a video or on a test server? The pictures look promising but... It gives a sense of overall "rigidity". I try to explain better.

A structure made of steel beams is quite flexible. When it crashes down it usually collapses under its own weight and the beams bend. Watch this video as short example:

If you see the picture #4 of your previews it seems that the tower has been cut and gently placed there. The whole structure looks rigid and unbendable.

In the picture #7 this impression is even stronger. Some beams should be totally curved, not all, maybe just some to give the idea that the piece crashed on the side. Now it really seems that someone cut it and place it there....

And the whole crashed chunck should really be curved, not perfectly linear.

Now, I can figure out how difficult it might be to do such a work but if you see the picture from Alien 3 I sent you months ago you could have an idea. Is it possible to add more flexibility to the broken and crashed structures?

I hope I made myself clear enough. Apart that, an amazing job indeed!
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I tried to do it. But it required a lot of additional objects. My RustEdit was very buggy, very strong fps drawdowns were observed in the game. So I had to do like this. Yes, less realistic but less stress