4K Custom map: Expedition - MAJOR UPDATE


New member
Hey, I have modified the map a lot since I first posted it here, it's about 95% complete, I will write down the changes that I have done at the bottom + pic album with a few of them


This is a custom map built from scratch in the shape of a donut with islands sprinkled in the middle. Players can choose to play mostly on land at the price of being slower by having to walk longer routes or take boats that they find spawned around to reach the Launch Site/small monuments or cut through the map to get on the other side of it much faster. As the name implies, it is an expedition, explore the land to find remnants of a long lost civilization that disappeared after a self destructive war, meet the bandits that are trying to rebuild it, find a city that has been abandoned by its people(until I can spawn scientists), delve into the abandoned bunker and if you want to relax go to DJ Ghetto’s island for a drink.

-Intended Gameplay : Vanilla

-Easter eggs(a few small scenes from other games)

-Player created Towns + Tunnel + Large Bridges leading to monuments

-Map built around trying to help solo/small groups by adding a lot of rock formations to escape through or hide tiny bases. Big groups should have no issues playing on it either it’s just that it helps the others a bit more as well.

-Radtowns located both on land and on islands

-Size: 4K

-Resources: Medium

# Map File https://www.dropbox.com/s/34lwnyoj2xocn0c/ExpeditionByMeza.map?dl=1 <- *The eight and final version of the map, more land added, boatload of fixes

# Server Ip [I can't post it sadly, bot would remove it] #PM FOR SERVER IP ADDRESS, when I'm online I'll send it to you (this is where you can test the map only)

#Screenshot Album 1
#Screenshot Album 2 [Major update]

#Expedition map major update

Check picture album at the bottom - map is probably 95% done, just need to add roads so it looks better when you open up the map + waiting for feedback if anybody else wants to test it - if you do please try to tell me if you think the ore spawns are enough or if I should add more

-Added 3 Gas stations

-Added 2 Supermarkets

-Added 2 Water Wells

-Added 1 more old cave(3 in total on the map)

-Added 1 Outpost

-Added 1 Airfield

-Mountains and island edges are all filled with rock formations now so it looks way more realistic than before

-Paths to Outpost and Airfield are two long custom bridges over the water with obstacles and loot spots

-Trainyard – 3 Custom edits added

-Ocean floor level raised from 400 to 480, now you should be able to build water bases

-Ore spawn quantity decreased

Album link: [Major update album]

I might make a video for it too and add it here as an edit when it's done. Thank you all for all the feedback that you provided !

P.S: There will be some hotfixes incoming tomorrow - little stuff like a ladder not working, 2-3 trees spawning in the water.
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New member
Looks really nice

Maybe you can make a version that has more land then water would be nice

Great work


New member
Hey, I'm glad you guys like this map :)

1. I don't think I'll be changing this map much more, it was a really good learning experience, got a lot of great feedback that will help me for the next maps, it helped me understand a lot what people like/dislike. I'm already working on one that's 10 times better than this one I think :D

2. The DJ Ghetto sign - Structures - Military Tunnels Signage


Hey, I'm glad you guys like this map :)

1. I don't think I'll be changing this map much more, it was a really good learning experience, got a lot of great feedback that will help me for the next maps, it helped me understand a lot what people like/dislike. I'm already working on one that's 10 times better than this one I think :D

2. The DJ Ghetto sign - Structures - Military Tunnels Signage

Cool beans!! I downloaded your map and took a cruise through for inspiration on my map, you've helped me out greatly, thanks =]


New member
Hey. The map had its last major update 2 weeks ago. I didnt post it on the site anymore onlt on discord. Ill link it tomorrow . A lot of stuff has been fixed plus more land added


New member
hi its just amazing map but i just found some bug or idk what , node spawn times are so fast for vanilla , in 2 min i got 2k sulfur.. and in the same point just check the video.



New member
hi its just amazing map but i just found some bug or idk what , node spawn times are so fast for vanilla , in 2 min i got 2k sulfur.. and in the same point just check the video.

Node spawning so fast is a bug from FP, nothing we can do yet unfortunately, they're working on it tho so I'm sure it will be fixed soon :)


New member
its a great map im just having players report that there is a lack of nodes map wide...ive tried to adjust the spawn rate but it just lags the server then crashes...any help would be appreciated


New member
its a great map im just having players report that there is a lack of nodes map wide...ive tried to adjust the spawn rate but it just lags the server then crashes...any help would be appreciated
Hey sorry but this was my first map and I won't be updating it anymore, not sure how you can fix it, try to google it and see if you can find any plugin that can allow you to place the spawns yourself and their rates


New member
ive tried to adjust it but i keep breaking it lol its a great map players love it just the node thing is a problem