Bridge sections


Active member
Here is some other prefab i made previously.

Some rocks needs to be added to the pillars at the bottom.
These prefabs was intended to be placed in water.

Please note that the loot items do not respawn except for toolboxes.

bridge scrapper.pngbridge landexit.pngbridge seaexit.pngTrashbridge.png

If you feel like sharing some coffee, doughnuts or just a pat on the back then be sure to send some this way. This will help me stay up a while longer and make it even better.:)

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  • RustbucketsZA Bridge Scrapper V1.prefab
    1.3 KB · Views: 233
  • RustbucketsZA Bridgeland V1.prefab
    1.4 KB · Views: 245
  • RustbucketsZA Bridgesea V1.prefab
    4 KB · Views: 247
  • RustbucketsZA Trashbridge V1.prefab
    635 bytes · Views: 230


Hello there! Now that FP had messed up with the bridge (or something) it is impossible to see your amazing bridges anymore... And yeah, I know it's not your fault. Oh... Uhm. I hope it's not MY fault in messing up something! :D BUT...
Apart that. Is there a way to make those bridges come back in a way or in another? Seriously... Sometimes the guys at FP just flip good things bad.
Don't get me wrong, they really do an amazing job there but these little tiny bits grates my nerves a little little bit! :ROFLMAO:

Have a wonderful 2020 start! (y)
I tried to edit the prefab and add or place myself a bridge replacement and i cannot figure out the proper scale, rotation angle and position which is sad. id really loved that when there is a missing entity that a shaped box would appear in his place with these values.