Created a few wheels and a GoKart. (The thin spoked wheel loses render quickly, but the rest are quite good.)
These are free to use if you like them.
To use the wheels just break the prefab select around the 1 wheel you want and use Ctrl D to copy the wheel and move it to where you want it.
The GoKart has a lot of detail that can be removed if you just want a general ok looking GoKart.
Best of all it has a V12 Diesel Engine. 8)
Created a few wheels and a GoKart. (The thin spoked wheel loses render quickly, but the rest are quite good.)
These are free to use if you like them.
To use the wheels just break the prefab select around the 1 wheel you want and use Ctrl D to copy the wheel and move it to where you want it.
The GoKart has a lot of detail that can be removed if you just want a general ok looking GoKart.
Best of all it has a V12 Diesel Engine. 8)