Homemade Garage With Working Lift free to use


New member
Must install oxide and rust edit extension dll
garage v4 is a nice looking garage with a cool workbench from
and the other prefab "optimized garage" is one without the cool workbench but doesn't have as many prefabs.


  • optimized garage v4.prefab
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  • 2020-07-20-08-10-40.jpg
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  • Car Garage Fixed v5.prefab
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To annoy the players of your prefab, you can wire the small generator to the car lift and force them to put fuel into it to get it to work :D
But well done. Like it.


can i make your workbench actually work like placing a invis 1 inside urs or no?
Tried while building it to place a workbench inside of it, so it´s not seen but will work. Wasn´t easy to realize. The real workbench was always be seen. So I discard the idea.

Ah, you modified it. Nice. Will take a look.


By the way. Thanks for crediting me. But I don´t commented to get credits. I just commented because I am glad to see it in a project. :)


You can use dropbox. Upload your map and click "Share" to generate a link. The link will have a "0" at the end of it. Change it to "1" to make a direct link out of it.

If you use the server tutorial I linked you, you have a batch file to start your server with some commands.
You have to modify the startup commands a little so it looks like this as example:

echo off
C:\steamcmd\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir c:\rustserver\ +app_update 258550 +quit
RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server-port 28015 +server.levelurl "https://www.dropbox.com/s/yeyyvipln0hgh50/plugintest.map?dl=1" +server.maxplayer 10 +server.hostname "Abra Testserver" +cargoship.event_enabled False +baseboat.generate_paths false +ai.ocean_patrol_path_iterations 0 +server.description "" +server.url "" +server.identity "server1" +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password letmein +rcon.web 1
goto start

You have to delete "server.seed" and "server.worldsize" and add "server.levelurl" instead. There you can add your download link from dropbox.

You have to install Oxide to your dedicated server, too and if if you are using RustEdit exclusive options like IO, NPC-spawner and things like this, you have to copy the Oxide.Ext.Rust.dll to your server files, so it will work properly.

Oxide: https://umod.org/games/rust
How to install Oxide: https://www.corrosionhour.com/install-umod-rust-server/
Oxide.Ext.Rust.dll Download: https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit


That is what I meant. Interactive/decayable/destroyable objects are rescale to their original size ingame, sadly.

But the small generator works perfectly.

Hope you don´t take it as a criticism. Just want to give you some hints :)
At the beginning I had to learn many things the hard way, so I think it´s good to share experience with others.



New member
That is what I meant. Interactive/decayable/destroyable objects are rescale to their original size ingame, sadly.

But the small generator works perfectly.

Hope you don´t take it as a criticism. Just want to give you some hints :)
At the beginning I had to learn many things the hard way, so I think it´s good to share experience with others.

View attachment 2262
oh no man your being very kind teaching me i appreciate it man!


New member
UPDATE: I fixed a regular workbench from popping out of the nice looking one and now that is fixed and remember car garage fixed v5 doesnt have a useable workbench but the optimized one does but the optimized one doesnt look as nice