Map Request (possibly OT?)


Hello world makers!
I didn't know where to put this topic, so if I am OT, my apologies...

I am searching for a Earth map for Rust, complete of biomes possibly consistent with the actual Earth biomes (this mean no snow in the Sahara and no sand dunes in the Antartica! ;) ).
Also, the map should not have customized buildings or any other monuments, I will put them manually.

I'd like to have the map in two sizes: 6k for one server and 3,5K for another server.

I have a very high res height map imported in RustEdit and the result is pretty interesting. The main issue is to replicate the biomes correctly.

The main requests are:
1) is there someone who already did this?
2) is there a way to replicate the biomes in an automatic or semiautomatic way?
3) if there is a ready made map that satisfy my requests, will it costs me? And how much will it costs me?


Yes. but it has tons of stuff I would not use.
I will contact the author, though. Thanks for addressing me the thread! :-D