Mazzini Islands v1.191


New member
Made from scratch using Unity Editor and K1lly0u's RustEdit.
Contains real life inspired monuments like Stonehenge and the Naica Crystal Caves in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Map Size: 3k



v1.191 2018 Oct 5
- Damn bugs..
- Didn't like how the cargoship was moving along the shores, made some changes to the controlling topology.
- Unless severe bugs are found THIS will most likely be the last update to this map, other maps are on their way, keep an eye out on my forum for more info. :)

v1.19 2018 Oct 4
- Roadside junkpiles are now more found near roads
- Fixed floating loot at launchsite

v1.18 2018 Sep 30
- Real roads now laid out
- Some retexturing done
- "Polished" mountains and hills to make them look a bit more natural and not so smooth
- Fixed a minor terrainbug in one of the cave entrances

v1.17 2018 Sep 18
- Fixed a hole in harbor
- Complete rework of all topologies
- Added new monuments: 1x Stone Quarry, 2x Mining Outposts, 1x Supermarket
- Added "roads" between some monuments
- Added bridges between Compound and 2 bigger islands
- Reworked beaches

Last edited:


New member
bonjour, j ai des joueurs qui arrivent pas à ce connecter un serveur de voiture la carte ce telecharge pas que dois je faire?


Official Documentarian
Staff member
@daftpunk77 please could you speak in English, even if it is a google translate. Also from what i could understand from your question it is not specifically relivent to this map, more an issue you are having with your server.

@daftpunk77 s'il vous plaît pourriez-vous parler en anglais, même si c'est une traduction de Google. De plus, d'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre de votre question, il ne s'agit pas spécifiquement de cette carte, mais d'un problème que vous rencontrez avec votre serveur.


Hello! I would like to make a barren version of this map .. would it be possible to have authorization for this?


New member
had a error trying to use this map on the force wipe on june 6 is there going to be a map update including the oil rigs?