New map - Serdegna V1


Active member
Hi all

Here is my latest map. It's got the basic stuff in it so far, but you can download it from here.

Monuments on this map.
-Launch Site
-Military Tunnels
-Power plant
-Train yard
-Satellite dish
-Sewer branch
-Water treatment
-Trading post
-bandit camp
-Harbor 1
-Harbor 2
-Gas stations

Yeah... this map is loaded :D

Also I made two custom thingies.
-Steel bridge
-Iceberg mountain

Anyway, the terrain is based on the Serdegna (Sardinia.. idk google maps gave me two different names for some reason) and Corse islands.
Please let me know what you think and provide some feedback if you feel.

I will be making a new arena area for this, so please check the post in the next month or so. hint* I'm looking to create grand bazaar from Battlefield 3.


Join on BlackMirror to check it out if you are curios -

If you feel like sharing some coffee, doughnuts or just a pat on the back then be sure to send some this way. This will help me stay up a while longer and make it even better. :)

Whether you sent a donation or liked this post I do thank you for your support and appreciation.


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Active member
Please note that this will be updated on Wednesday evening in preparation for wipe on Thursday.
After some testing it was found that.

-Oil rigs are not present on the V2 map.
-Too much node spawns
-Some terrain editing necessary.

Here is a map image of the map.



Active member

Here is SardegnaV3.

There are a few additions on this map. Here is the list of changes:
- 4 x barges with tool vending machines added at harbour 1 and 2, near power plant and near airfield.
- resource and building vending machines added near excavator
- custom bridge fixed near airfield
- Scrap bridge added between dome and excavator
- water trigger placed at trainyard where put cuts below water level
- extra rock formations added.
- node spawn reduced
- terrain fixes

Let me know if there are any issues.

*map image added

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