RustBucektsZA Map update


Active member
hi i realy like ur job,i tried ur map but there is an issue,if i don't copy paste the .map in the client rust file system i get this error
so people are kicked from the server.
I already tried to edit it with last rust edit version and than save it under another file name,it change nothing.
Could u plz help me to find out a solution?

In order for the map to load client side you will need to add this into your server config file (this will replace the
+server.seed 1234 +server.worldsize 4000 variables:

+levelurl ""
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RustbucketsZAV3 update list

PUBG ruins added to mountain in snow biome - Meblack
Bridge sections added between Outpost and Launch site - myself
Terrain corrections at cave entrance and some monuments
Lavapool (hobobarrel) added to volcano, this was accidentally removed in V2
Oilrigs moved further offshore.
Forest and field topology extended into some monuments

Ehm... Ehm...
With the new August update, our Lords And Saviours at Facepunch added the Great Excavator, an awesome brand new monument and I admit that it would be a big hit to see it on this map (beside, one of the most wayward I've ever seen around, accordingly to my taste)...

I haven't checked Rust Edit yet so I don't know if it is possible to add it by oneself, in that case my appy polly loggies. :-D

The Great Excavator is implemented in the new release of Rust Edit! The little mess is that the height map is to be sculpted by hand! :eek: HAHA! Good job to me!
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Hello there! I think you might have forgot something in the middle of the ocean, some sectors in front of the prison arena! ;) I found it flying there chasing the Chinook and it popped in front of me. I got quite a scare but then had a good laugh!

You can see the approx coordinates in the upper left part of the screen.

Big time fun, let me tell, but maybe you would correct it for a later version of your wonderful map!


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Active member
Hello, I am actually aware of it XD. not sure how it came to be. I have tried removing it numerous times but was not successful. I suspect it's a bug with the hobo barrel that has been scaled up with quite a large factor. (or any item probably)


I understand. Well, tbh it is not that big problem. It is more funny than an issue and if someone will ask me about it... I will say that it is the result of a nuclear experiment! :-D
And I will try to remove it, as well. But I am pretty sure that if you could not handle it, I won't be able to do a thing. But who knows! ;-D


It seems that I cannot find it in Map Editor but it is very likely to my lack of experience in using the editor rather than anything else.
Oh well, my "nuclear experiment" theory still remains. :ROFLMAO:


Active member
Hi all

Here is the latest map, (RustbucketsZA_V5) but you will notice it has been renamed to Mount St. Alfred.

Some minor changes apply:
-Fixed terrain issue at SuperMarket near outpost
-Lamp posts level adjusted at SuperMarket near outpost
-Bridge section re-added at coastline near SuperMarket
-Over beaches smoothed and beach landing increased.
-Beach landing level increased to allow for easy building on coast.

Here is the download link: St.


New member
can anyone confirm if this map is working? i am trying it now on a server, but it does not seem to start up, getting these errors:
(Filename: ./Runtime/Graphics/RenderTexture.cpp Line: 800)

StringPool.GetString - no string for ID2633142014

(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

LoadPrefab - should start with assets/ -

(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Prefab..ctor (System.String name, UnityEngine.GameObject prefab, GameManager manager, PrefabAttribute+Library attribute) [0x0002f] in <245e6713528f47f48640b54287eba057>:0
at Prefab.Load (System.UInt32 id, GameManager manager, PrefabAttribute+Library attribute) [0x00023] in <245e6713528f47f48640b54287eba057>:0
at World.Spawn (ProtoBuf.PrefabData prefab) [0x00000] in <245e6713528f47f48640b54287eba057>:0
at World+<Spawn>d__79.MoveNext () [0x000f4] in <245e6713528f47f48640b54287eba057>:0
at WorldSetup+<InitCoroutine>d__14.MoveNext () [0x005cd] in <245e6713528f47f48640b54287eba057>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <5efc91990d9549c2a2cf3874065a5193>:0

(Filename: <245e6713528f47f48640b54287eba057> Line: 0)


New member
I hope you dont mind, i found a way to get this map to work.
removed the bridge and all items on bridge between outpost and launch site.


Active member
Hi all.
I have been busy again lately and was not able to check the forums... also my harddrive bombed out :(.
But i will be working on some new stuff. :D

Yes the map can be fixed by removing the bridge sections.

Thanks for the support and Happy new year!