Small Rad Town from Rust Legacy, in Rust Experemental "Rebuild" (Next - Factory) Process of creation


Small Rad Town from Rust Legacy
The monument does not claim to be called "100 percent copy of the original location," and was made for its own map.

Process of creation/Процесс создания

Terms of use | Условия эксплуатации
I do not demand payment for my work, and the only thing I ask for is the observance of operating conditions.
Я не требую оплаты за свою работу, и единственное, о чем я прошу, - это соблюдение условий эксплуатации.

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The file uses a sign indicating the authorship and which allows you to contact me. Change or removal of this mark is strictly prohibited.
В файле используется знак, указывающий на авторство и позволяющий связаться со мной. Изменение или удаление этого знака строго запрещено.

5. Summing up | Подводя итоги

In case of copyright infringement, I will close all contacts for the violator.
In the case of repeated copyright infringement, I will be forced to distribute my work for a fee.
В случае нарушения авторских прав, я закрою все контакты для нарушителя.

В случае многократных нарушений авторских прав, я буду вынужден распространять свои работы на платной основе.
I am grateful to the people who notified me of their intentions when using my works.
Я благодарен людям, которые уведомили меня о своих намерениях при использовании моих работ.

Change List | Список изменений
Version 1.0
- Uploaded to the RustEdit website

Known bugs | Известные ошибки
Not detected

Сontacts | Контакты
Steam profile | Профиль Steam
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Discord: Tuman#6388

DOWNLOAD | Скачать

Screenshots | Скриншоты


  • SmallRadTown01.prefab
    61.7 KB · Views: 128
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I love your work, everything is thought out to the smallest detail; it is so good in the form of art! Thanks for sharing with everyone. Very nice hard to believe that this is RUST!
How do I install prefab data into my game? Where to place the file


Staff member
Went on LegionRust last night (the original game) and took a load of pics so I can tweak the hell out of my monuments to get em closer :)