Somewhere Awful [July Map]


Working on the map for July for my server Somewhere Awful (you can find it under the Modded section.)

The map theme is islands - so instead of one giant continent, it's two smaller islands with a few smaller ones in between. I'm working on setting up the cargo ship path to traverse between the islands and back around.

Also, I'll be using my Unscientific Outpost prefab to replace the regular Scientist Outpost. As seen in some pictures above, there will be some small, derelict "prefab" bases that will have custom loot boxes in them. There will also be a few vending machines with custom offerings scattered across the map.

This map will go live on Somewhere Awful next Wednesday, a day before wipe, to bug test any issues (like people spawning in the ocean or falling through the map.)

This server does use some mods and for July I'll be adding a mod to increase stacking sizes (probably up to 2.5k,) advanced day/night gather (increased gather at night,) k1llyou's mods to allow custom loot/vending machines, and The Purge (which disables daytime PvP/raiding and only allows it after sunset - this mod will only run for the first week of wipe in July.)

I'll release this map mid-wipe in July pending any issues.


This map - Gogy Islands - is currently live on my server, Somewhere Awful, for testing so zi can make adjustments before Thurs wipe. Any feedback is appreciated!


very beautiful m8! ^^ Great idea!

Thank you! The server has quieted down as we head into the final week, but it was definitely busy at the beginning. Lot of small things I need to fix before I release the map.