The City (Map)



My map "The City" is now available for download/use. You can see this map Live right now on my server "Somewhere Awful" under the Community Tab or connect via

3.5k Map
All monuments featured (Big/Small oil rigs included) except Scientist Outpost
"Unscientific Outpost" custom pre-fab takes the place of Scientist Outpost (no sentries or scientists)
Large RP-Styled city area linking Power Plant, Airfield, Trainyard, & Large Harbor
Can build in parts of the city area
Underground tunnel & sewer network underneath the city area
No Arctic Zone / Large Tundra area

Known Bugs:
Seaming issues in the underground tunnel/sewer areas that allow light to shine through
Some players experience random falling through the map and into the tunnels (only two known incidents on my live server)



Belle map . Le seul gros problème c'est le loot qui est plus sur l'eau que sur la map . Cela viens il de la map ou du jeu lui meme ?
Voir screenshoot Desktop Screenshot 2019.05.18 -


Belle map . Le seul gros problème c'est le loot qui est plus sur l'eau que sur la map . Cela viens il de la map ou du jeu lui meme ?
Voir screenshoot View attachment 951

There's an issue which I haven't been able to determine as to why loot is not spawning on the roadside. It's a bit frustrating. I might have to re-lay all of the roads to solve the problem.


There's an issue which I haven't been able to determine as to why loot is not spawning on the roadside. It's a bit frustrating. I might have to re-lay all of the roads to solve the problem.

If you have pathed roads make sure to apply topology to roads to make junk piles spawn.

If you have placed any loot via rust edit using loot prefabs you will need the oxide.rustedit dll from the discord. In order to get manual placed loot to respawn.
You can also add custom loot spawn plugin from umod to manually add lootspawns in custom places.


Click on roads with the road tool then click apply spalt, apply topology, apply side .
You can also from the dropdown box apply telephone poles and spawn in roadside stuff from power boxes, road signs and bus stops.


There's an issue which I haven't been able to determine as to why loot is not spawning on the roadside. It's a bit frustrating. I might have to re-lay all of the roads to solve the problem.

Try this version of your map.
Dropbox Editted City map

-Fixed roads, power lines
-Corrected topology
-Corrected road heights
-Fixed build where doors were misaligned causing ability for players to enter inside and exploit by shooting through walls.
-Editted city just a smige nothing to crazy.


Is roadside topo spawning correctly now? When I had placed the roads I did the roadside/road topo and it only spawned loot in a few spots


Try this version of your map.
Dropbox Editted City map

-Fixed roads, power lines
-Corrected topology
-Corrected road heights
-Fixed build where doors were misaligned causing ability for players to enter inside and exploit by shooting through walls.
-Editted city just a smige nothing to crazy.

Updating this map to use on Somewhere Awful for August Wipe. Incoporating your edits (will include a tag w/ your name on the building.)



Because I'm a nerd and I got a new computer this week I put together a trailer/advert for my server/this map. Shout out to k1llyou & Nox.


Somewhere Awful? I started a new job in August and it's pretty much eaten my life. 6 days a week, 10 hour days, I do what I can when I can