Bar "100 roentgen" - OUTDATED (LINK TO NEW IN HEADER)


Especially for the dumb, link to the reworked version:

Old version | Старая версия
Bar "100 roentgens"

The monument does not claim to be called "100 percent copy of the original location," and was made for its own map.

The prefab will be published later, as the work is completed.
Spread from considerations of the type:
-If they want, they will still steal.
Here are some screenshots to explore.

Entrance to the bar

Descent to the bar
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OMG this is beautiful please keep up the good work we could use so many more assets like this from stalker. I know I could for chernarus. Even from cop the main ship. The power plants etc.
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Bar "100 roentgens"

The monument does not claim to be called "100 percent copy of the original location," and was made for its own map.

The prefab will be published later, as the work is completed.
Spread from considerations of the type:
-If they want, they will still steal.
Here are some screenshots to explore.

Entrance to the bar
View attachment 492

Descent to the bar
View attachment 493View attachment 494

View attachment 496View attachment 497View attachment 498View attachment 499View attachment 500View attachment 501View attachment 503
I actually got a question for you. How did you make or get the asset like this I ask because if we can obtain all or most the assets I'm thinking I'll start making a full stalker shoc map what would be nice of doing this no loading screen between areas.


I actually got a question for you. How did you make or get the asset like this I ask because if we can obtain all or most the assets I'm thinking I'll start making a full stalker shoc map what would be nice of doing this no loading screen between areas.

Unfortunately, the translator does not accurately translate your message, but as I understand it, you are interested in how the location (prefab) was made. It is made from in-game objects. To comply with the scale used modelku scientist as a ruler. In the future, just an eye oriented.
As for the transfer of the card from the "STALKER", there will be one nuance. The zone in the original is a large rectangle with locations on it. While in Rust the map is just a square.
After the construction of this monument, I tried to transfer the map to the game, but in the end I realized that this was impossible.
One location from STALKER is flat to 1000 maps from Rust. Appropriately get fit only 6 locations in height without the appropriate transitions.
However, you can do as in the ArmStalker project. There were taken the most recognizable places and successfully distributed on the map.
Picture below for example.21.jpg


Unfortunately, the translator does not accurately translate your message, but as I understand it, you are interested in how the location (prefab) was made. It is made from in-game objects. To comply with the scale used modelku scientist as a ruler. In the future, just an eye oriented.
As for the transfer of the card from the "STALKER", there will be one nuance. The zone in the original is a large rectangle with locations on it. While in Rust the map is just a square.
After the construction of this monument, I tried to transfer the map to the game, but in the end I realized that this was impossible.
One location from STALKER is flat to 1000 maps from Rust. Appropriately get fit only 6 locations in height without the appropriate transitions.
However, you can do as in the ArmStalker project. There were taken the most recognizable places and successfully distributed on the map.
Picture below for example.View attachment 510
Well even making a map like you said that the ArmStalker team did would be awesome. So you made this in the RustEditor how did you get all the individual walls ceiling beams. Also how did you place the scientists like you did. It's been a couple months since I have worked on my map and or with the editor. Or have I just missed some major updates that there is more we can work with now? I definitely want to get started on making a full stalker map/world. Only downfall is no anomalys and such but at least we can have bandit camps and that still.


Well even making a map like you said that the ArmStalker team did would be awesome. So you made this in the RustEditor how did you get all the individual walls ceiling beams. Also how did you place the scientists like you did. It's been a couple months since I have worked on my map and or with the editor. Or have I just missed some major updates that there is more we can work with now? I definitely want to get started on making a full stalker map/world. Only downfall is no anomalys and such but at least we can have bandit camps and that still.

Updates and the truth were. It was in them that I found a model scientist hidden under the name "SantaDrop". Maybe it is an inaccurate name, but the direction is correct. For myself, I redid it in "Custom Prefab" with the center in the middle of the body axis and to the very bottom of the legs. I think I will attach it.
With regards to the ceiling. I used the usual ceiling from the Building kit, which is in the Prefab section. It is so used in the game itself, when you improve the ceiling to the maximum level. He increased it by 2 times and placed it on top, so that there would be no gaps. (although they are, and it can be seen for example in the toilet).
And yes, without anomalies and artifacts, the zone is really not the same. However, I would advise you to turn to the original source of the universe, namely to the "Strugatsky brothers", "Roadside Picnic".
On the basis of the story, it is possible to draw conclusions and in the game itself to make random generation of small zones (triggers) that would somehow stand out externally and at the entrance to them cause damage to the player.


Updates and the truth were. It was in them that I found a model scientist hidden under the name "SantaDrop". Maybe it is an inaccurate name, but the direction is correct. For myself, I redid it in "Custom Prefab" with the center in the middle of the body axis and to the very bottom of the legs. I think I will attach it.
With regards to the ceiling. I used the usual ceiling from the Building kit, which is in the Prefab section. It is so used in the game itself, when you improve the ceiling to the maximum level. He increased it by 2 times and placed it on top, so that there would be no gaps. (although they are, and it can be seen for example in the toilet).
And yes, without anomalies and artifacts, the zone is really not the same. However, I would advise you to turn to the original source of the universe, namely to the "Strugatsky brothers", "Roadside Picnic".
On the basis of the story, it is possible to draw conclusions and in the game itself to make random generation of small zones (triggers) that would somehow stand out externally and at the entrance to them cause damage to the player.
Awesome job building it with what was available, and thats actually not a half bad idea about making small zones (triggers) that would injure the players and for standing out make some areas for radiation zones and what not. For other more anomaly ones like from COP like Oak Pine, Claw anomaly, Scar anomaly these are all examples of ones that could be done, its more the random ones that appear or ones that move that would be hard to do. I think ill take a stab at making a world like how ArmStalker made theirs and attempting to bring all the worlds together from the three games.


Awesome job building it with what was available, and thats actually not a half bad idea about making small zones (triggers) that would injure the players and for standing out make some areas for radiation zones and what not. For other more anomaly ones like from COP like Oak Pine, Claw anomaly, Scar anomaly these are all examples of ones that could be done, its more the random ones that appear or ones that move that would be hard to do. I think ill take a stab at making a world like how ArmStalker made theirs and attempting to bring all the worlds together from the three games.
I think it will be great. Good luck.


Awesome job building it with what was available, and thats actually not a half bad idea about making small zones (triggers) that would injure the players and for standing out make some areas for radiation zones and what not. For other more anomaly ones like from COP like Oak Pine, Claw anomaly, Scar anomaly these are all examples of ones that could be done, its more the random ones that appear or ones that move that would be hard to do. I think ill take a stab at making a world like how ArmStalker made theirs and attempting to bring all the worlds together from the three games.

I almost forgot. Made this house for the "Village of Novices", but did not have time to test. May be useful.


Active member
Try using

urn your server into a irradiated wasteland by creating pockets of radiation randomly around your map.
  • The number, size and amount of radiation for each zone is random, with minimum and maximum values in the config.
  • Pockets will be automatically generated on startup and will be saved (so they are always in the same location).
  • Be sure to delete your "radpockets_data.json" data file when you wipe your server!
Its recommended that you install this after a wipe, that way players will build around the radiation. If not you can remove zones that land on players buildings using a chat command.
Important Note Using plugins that use radiation will enable it globally, therefore activating Rusts default radiation zones. If you do not wish for these to be active you can remove them using this plugin here ->

By k1lly0u


New member
Wouhaou, beautiful, it's a great job, I tested on my local server and I loved it. The details are impressive, continuous as its;).
Since I RustEdit I am passionate about the creation of prefab monument, in some time I will also share my creation.

(sorry for my bad english, I'm french)


New member
А ПОЧЕМУ ПРО ОСКОРБЛЯЮЩУЮ НАДПИСЬ О ПУТИНЕ НА СТЕНЕ НИЧЕГО НЕ ПИШЕШЬ?на дурачка решил прокатить?А всем остальным прежде чем чето ставить на карту просматривайте ее если не хотите скандал устроить между игроками.Игра должна быть вне политики!


А ПОЧЕМУ ПРО ОСКОРБЛЯЮЩУЮ НАДПИСЬ О ПУТИНЕ НА СТЕНЕ НИЧЕГО НЕ ПИШЕШЬ?на дурачка решил прокатить?А всем остальным прежде чем чето ставить на карту просматривайте ее если не хотите скандал устроить между игроками.Игра должна быть вне политики!
Мне как-то всё равно. Монумент делал я, пишу что хочу. Не нравится? Делай либо свой, либо исправляй этот. А тут спамить не надо, для этого есть кнопка "Report" или личные сообщения, если уж невтерпёж поговорить.

I don `t care. I did the monument, I write what I want. Do not you like it? Do or your monument, or fix ready. And then you do not need to spam, for this there is a button "Report".
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Official Documentarian
Staff member
А ПОЧЕМУ ПРО ОСКОРБЛЯЮЩУЮ НАДПИСЬ О ПУТИНЕ НА СТЕНЕ НИЧЕГО НЕ ПИШЕШЬ?на дурачка решил прокатить?А всем остальным прежде чем чето ставить на карту просматривайте ее если не хотите скандал устроить между игроками.Игра должна быть вне политики!

Firstly Please at least put an English translation for what you are saying if not actually using english.
secondly even with google translate i cannot understand what you are trying to say

Во-первых, по крайней мере, поместите перевод на английский язык, если вы не используете английский.

во-вторых, даже с помощью Google Translate я не могу понять, что вы пытаетесь сказать


New member
MOOZ is talking about poutine, and political talk and other stuff off topic ... I really do not understand why he's posting here with that shitty comment!


Bar 100 Roentgen

1. With the introduction of new lighting on "military tunnels", I decided to redo the lighting in Bar.

2. There are no special changes in the structure, except for a couple of new shelters in the parking lot in front of the bar.
3. Due to the unsuitability of the new lighting to third-party monuments, there is a bug in the form of unlit corners, which does not look very nice.

Full version (with parking)

Standard Version


The Graff

New member
Оскорбляющая Путина надпись, не в тему, хоть мне плевать на политику, но все же не стоит такого добавлять, далее хотел сказать, что причем тут бар из Сталкера и Путин. Ты явно выразил свое мнение по поводу президента. Но есть одно "НО" Этим префабом ты можешь развязать межнациональный конфликт, ведь это будут снимать люди и выкладывать в Ютуб.