Bar "100 roentgen" - OUTDATED (LINK TO NEW IN HEADER)


Bar "100 roentgen - Rebuild
When creating a new map, the old bar was very badly knocked out of the environment, so I decided to redo it anew, bringing its appearance closer to the original.
При создании новой карты, старый бар очень сильно выбивался из окружения, поэтому я решил переделать его заново, приблизив его внешний вид к оригиналу.

Terms of use | Условия эксплуатации
I do not demand payment for my work, and the only thing I ask for is the observance of operating conditions.
Я не требую оплаты за свою работу, и единственное, о чем я прошу, - это соблюдение условий эксплуатации.

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5. Summing up | Подводя итоги

In case of copyright infringement, I will close all contacts for the violator.
In the case of repeated copyright infringement, I will be forced to distribute my work for a fee.
В случае нарушения авторских прав, я закрою все контакты для нарушителя.

В случае многократных нарушений авторских прав, я буду вынужден распространять свои работы на платной основе.
I am grateful to the people who notified me of their intentions when using my works.
Я благодарен людям, которые уведомили меня о своих намерениях при использовании моих работ.

Change List | Список изменений
Version 1.0
- Uploaded to the RustEdit website

Known bugs | Известные ошибки
Not detected

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  • BarRebuildFull.prefab
    37.9 KB · Views: 26


This prefab is AMAZING!!!! :D
I have read the terms of permissions and there is only one thing I would like to change here, so I am asking you: may I add some more computer cases? I just love those retro mainframes and I really would like to add 4 or five (I will try to fit 5 of them, no more than 5) to make some sort of "retro hi-tech base"). Please, just let me know. My server is "GIARGIANIA" (in the modded list), you can always come and have a look here!

EDIT: I also downloaded the previous versions that I will likely use as "outposts" (maybe, I still am not really sure). Can I eventually add the mainframes there also?


ADDED: I have a question... Why I see pieces of ground when I enter the prefab? I am quite new to map editing and such so please bear with me... :cautious: I can flat down or lower the ground, that ok. Just wondering how this thing work. ;)


Just select terrain painter, alpha then set brush size 1, opacity 1 and click out the ground level thats blocking the stairs.


New member
Well I downloaded this prefab and its a little broken. There is no topology or height modifiers so you have to open in rustedit and add your own


Well I downloaded this prefab and its a little broken. There is no topology or height modifiers so you have to open in rustedit and add your own
Why and for whom should I do this? I redid the geometry of the level, broken by Facepunch updates, from scratch. This is enough for me, especially considering that I have long abandoned Rust Edit.


New member
Why and for whom should I do this? I redid the geometry of the level, broken by Facepunch updates, from scratch. This is enough for me, especially considering that I have long abandoned Rust Edit.
Its no big deal and I understand, just warning any newbies so they know what to expect, testing out the fix now....and hey thanks its very kool looking prefab !!!!


New member
Wow I hate to say it but possibly this prefab has broken my map and I am no longer able to open the map up in Rust Edit. I even uninstalled Rustedit and reinstalled , I also removed the prefab from the custom folders and still no way to open the map in RustEdit anymore...:-(

PS it gets stuck on loading npcs and then goes into unresponsive